Read the Bible in a Year

With the 5 Day Reading Plan

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.
Joshua 1:8

Join us in the 5 Day Bible Reading Plan!

This year, beginning January 5th, 2020, we will begin reading through the Bible as a church, in a year!
This reading plan is 5 days per week, meaning that if you get behind, no worries, you can catch up on the weekend!

Which Bible Translation is Best?

There are many different translations of the Bible, from those that are extremely accurate according to the regular text to others that are paraphrases to make it easier to read, and everything in between.
Freedom Church has adopted the English Standard Version (ESV) for our traditional reading as we have found it to be easier to read while maintaining its' historical accuracy.

YouVersion Bible App

Download the YouVersion Bible App for your devices to have the Word with you everywhere you go!

The YouVersion Bible app is a free application that allows you to not only read the Bible, but choose which version you want to read and even read different versions side by side in parallel format. There are also devotionals and reading plans available for you, right in the app!

For your kids to follow along, there is even a Bible App for kinds to install on their tablets or other devices!

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