Get Involved

Get Involved

Being part of a “body” means that each of us has our own unique function to bring to the table. With that being said, if you are the head, or the hand, or even the foot, we have somewhere that you can plug into here at Faith Tabernacle. We love to encourage growth, and seeing lives changed in Christ. Through serving, you get to be an extension of the body (pretty cool) and you get to take ownership of a part of what makes this church great (even better)! Feel free to reach out to us with questions, and if you feel that you want to serve (Woohoo!), please reach out to someone who is already serving in that area (or the church staff if you feel more comfortable) and find out how to get plugged in!

Where Can I Serve?

Coffee Bar

The Coffee Bar is a fun and exciting area in which to serve! Not only do you get to test out your barista skills, but you also get to fellowship while giving some people the juice that keeps them worshiping. You can get trained to create a variety of hot and cold beverages, and maybe even test out a creation of your own!

Worship & Drama

We love praising Jesus! If you feel that praising is something you are great at, you may be able to serve within our worship and drama ministry. We keep Christ at the forefront of our worship services, and our aim is to glorify Him! Maybe you have angelic vocals, or you play a killer air guitar (though we do prefer a real guitar), there’s a fit for you! We do occasional dramas as well, so if you can cry on cue, you may want to watch for a sign up for the next skit or drama!

Ushers and Greeters

Our ushers and greeters are the people who said “hi” to you when you walked in on Sunday morning! So… a lot of people said “hi” that’s awesome! We are all ushers and greeters! So this one is pretty easy, huh? Well, we do actually have a team of guys and gals who aim to make sure they say “hi” to everyone (that’s why we have so many!). If you are super friendly and enjoy making people feel at home, this may be an area of service for you!

Media & Technology

You are probably reading this on your cell phone, or your home computer. We use technology in many areas of our service, from operating our soundboard, to running PowerPoint slides during the message. In this team you are submersed in computer applications and a sound board with lots of fun lights and buttons! It can be a pretty busy area when there are special services and skits, but we still have fun doing it! If you like to use a computer or anything electronic, this may be just the playground for you!

Prayer and Intercession

There is power in prayer, and where two or more are gathered there Christ is also (Matthew 18:20). Simply put, prayer is talking to God. We have so many outlets in which prayer is utilized, every morning before the sermon there is prayer. We have a prayer chain so that if there is a need in the congregation we have a group of people praying for that need. If praying is something you like to do, or if you would like to do it more, this may be a great area for you to plug into!

Freedom Kids

FTCKids is a fun, crazy, and exciting place for your kids to be on Sunday mornings. During the sermon, the children are released to a time of fun, games, and learning about Jesus! So maybe you haven’t completely grown up yet (age is just a number), or you just like to have a little bit of childish fun once in a while, this may be an area of ministry for you.

Our children are our most precious gift, so there are a few more steps to becoming a worker with FTCKids. All of the workers are screened, and go through training to be able to take care of and teach the children.

Nexus Student Ministry

After a few years of FTCKids, those kids grow up (*sniff*) and move into Encounter! Working with teens is so much fun! Not only do you get to have fun, you get to teach them and watch them grow in Jesus! Youth leaders also help plan monthly events, so creativity is a must! If you want to have fun, and encourage teens to be changed in Christ, then this may be the place for you!

Kitchen Ministry

“There are too many cooks in the kitchen”, is a saying that you will never hear around the kitchen at Faith Tabernacle. We love to host meals and provide meals to our church congregation. Whether you can cook like a Michelin Chef or you struggle with EasyMac, we can use your help! Working in the kitchen goes above cooking; we also set up the tables, and serve food. If you want to have your hand in making sure a meal goes smoothly (or if you just want to call first dibs on the good stuff) then this may be the ministry for you!

Buildings and Grounds

This place didn’t just get to look this good overnight, and no the garbage didn’t dissolve into the carpet like in the Disney movie “Smart House”. Being part of working body there are several members that take part in making this “house” a “home”, and we take joy in the building that we are able to offer! Working with buildings and grounds is not limited to janitorial work, but also includes fun building projects and remodeling.