4 Steps to Move Forward and Upward

Motion is the Growth Track at Freedom Church. Through this 4 step process we will help you discover who you are in Christ and how you are called to help build His Kingdom!

Catch the Vision

Step 1 is called Catch the Vision, and during this step you will learn all about Freedom Church, what we believe in, what we've been a part of, and where God is leading us as a church!

Discover Your Design

Step 2 is a fun and interactive step where you will go through a Personality Assessment and a Spiritual Gifts Inventory. These together will help you discover how God designed you and what He has gifted you with so that you can see how He might want to use you for His Kingdom!

Grow Your Leadership

All of us lead something... whether small or big scale. And God wants us to develop even more our leadership to bring Him glory. This step will help us learn how to be great leaders in whatever capacity we lead.

Join the GoTeam!

Step 4 is the finish-line. It's during this step that you join the GoTeam, and simply put a Go-Team is an area of ministry full of people that love what they do! That's our desire is that throughout Motion, God would lead you to an area of serving that you will love! During this step you will meet with a ministry leader and join the team that you are feeling led to join.

GoTeam Parties happen a few times a year to celebrate everyone who is a part of the GoTeam! We have tons of fun together, share a meal together, worship and look forward to what's next together! This is just one of the many reasons to join the GoTeam!

To sign up for Motion

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